
Planning the Perfect Birth -- and Other Ridiculous Notions

"Do natural childbirth classes work?"
"Can one plan for the perfect labor experience?"
"Why is my doctor laughing at me?"

Answers to these and other questions, here.


  1. "dat is a lot" I dunno why but I LOST it there. >,< Ok...I suppose I've not grown out of the "potty humor" yet, even at 40. What can I say?

  2. All I can say is thank god for that, otherwise I'd have no-one to share my immature sense of humor with!

  3. Ohmigod this is hilarious, because its so true! I'm going to have my 2nd in 5 more weeks and people are asking me 'what my birthing plan is?' This post is my birthing plan. Lol! :)

    1. Best of luck Anon - and feel free to report back with all the gnarly details!!

  4. I feel this so hard both because I used to think birth plans were ridiculous but also because it turned out that I did have a secret birth plan in that it did not resemble how mine actually went down.

  5. I had to laugh and laugh when I saw this, it's so TRUE! I had a birth plan but ended up having incredibly low fluid (dry labor) so had to be induced. My doctor had ordered an epidural for me, but things happened too quickly and I never got an epidural or any other kind of drug for that matter. So I can't say it was ever a party, it was just hellish the whole dang time. Induction is intense!

    1. Holy Dinah, Anony...
      So you were one of the epidural-less 5% -- and you made it through.
      I hereby bow down to your hero goddessness.

      ps: "dry labor" may be the most disturbing phrase I've learned this year.

  6. I just wanted to say thank you, for you wonderful mommy humour. I love these little videos and this one was the best! I did the "natural" birthing class as well, and in the end, had the epidural too! Thanks for the laughing break!

    1. You're so welcome A. Nony Mous -- I'm really glad you enjoyed it. When my daughter saw it her comment was, "why do you sound like a moose, mommy?" -- so your feedback beats hers by a mile!

  7. This is very funny! I love it! Congratulations on being chosen as one of the Voices of the Year!

    1. Thanks so much Betty -- I am very excited to attend Blogher - my first time!
